Be first to read our coverage of what's happening on the Irish grid with Currents, Green Collective's newsletter and membership programme: sign up here!
If you love what we do and can spare it, please consider becoming a paid member: your financial support will help further our public facing work. But you're grand if just want to check out the free version for now!
If you'd like to know a bit more before signing up:
What does the newsletter cover? A monthly review of the grid, at minimum, plus ad-hoc analysis. Here's an example of our monthly review. For ad-hoc analyses, we have covered topics such as duck curves in Ireland and batteries' role during a frequency event.
How often is the newsletter published and when will it arrive in my inbox? We send out the monthly review on the first of every month. There may be more issues during a month, depending on what’s happening on the grid and consequent ad-hoc analysis.
What extras do I receive by becoming a paid member? While there might be some member-only content in the future, right now the only benefit is knowing that each and every paid member helps ensure we can continue our public-facing work. It really helps!
Where can I view past editions? Every edition is cross-posted to our website (and updated, when necessary) but you can view the complete newsletter archive here.
I'm a free subscriber. How do I upgrade to paid membership? Simply choose between our monthly and annual plan, above, follow the instructions, and you will continue to receive the newsletter.
How do I unsubscribe? There is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every edition.
How do I cancel my membership? You should have received an email with an unsubscribe link when you purchased your membership. If for some reason you did not or cannot find it, please send an email to