About Green Collective

Starting out as a fun side project providing a daily snapshot of wind energy on the Irish grid, the Irish Energy Bot has turned into a substantial dataset and collection of insights. This serves as the foundation for Green Collective's open-source intelligence on electric grids with growing renewables.

Green Collective's expanding data coverage includes both supply and demand. On the supply side, we have complete data on capacity and generation - at aggregate and at plant level - of all generation types:

  • wind
  • solar
  • hydro
  • pumped storage
  • biomass/biogas
  • fossil gas
  • coal/peat/oil
  • battery energy storage

We also have visibility into each generating capacity's physical location: geographic data is a crucial component of grid operations and planning.

Green Collective was founded by Trevor Johnston and Fei Wang to combine our strengths in software engineering and knowledge of the power sector:

  • Trevor is a full-stack software engineer who spent 12 years at Google.
  • Fei is an energy analyst and has worked on projects throughout the electricity system value chain.

We firmly believe a stronger and more renewable grid is an important tool for combatting climate change and we are playing our part by being the source of the most robust data and the most reliable insights for the Irish grid.

If your work involves grid data in Ireland and you would like to collaborate, please send a message to hello@greencollective.io.

If there are types of grid data you wish you had access to, we would love to hear from you as well!

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