Irish grid data and analysis
Green Collective supplies all the data and insights you need to understand the power sector in Ireland, make informed decisions, and decarbonise the grid.
Data collection
All renewable, storage, and fossil fuel sources from 2019 onwards at <1hr resolution.
Quality assurance
We collate multiple public sources, carefully cross-referencing and correcting where necessary.
Real-time estimates
We offer the most reliable real-time estimate of Irish utility-scale solar generation.
Performance assessment
We promote transparency and raise awareness of the Irish grid's decarbonisation efforts on social media.
The Irish grid today
Last update: Jan 1 @ 01:00
demandpumped storagebiomasshydrosolarwindfossil fuels
All-island figures. Some sources are estimated. Excludes domestic solar.
Source: EirGrid, SEMO
Green Collective
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